The Institute of Research for Public Administration Development
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Director of IRPAD Shamkeev Baktybek Abylkasymovich Address: 720040 Bishkek, 237 Panfilov St., office 504/1. Contact phone: 0312 623133 e-mail: |
The Institute of Research for Public Administration Development (hereinafter - IRPAD) is a research, expert-analytical and consulting activity in the field of development of public policy and governance in the Kyrgyz Republic, also provides scientific and analytical activities for public authorities and local self-government bodies.
The Institute of Research for Public Administration Development was established on November 4, 2015 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic "On the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic" dated October 01, 2015 №188.
The main purpose of IRPAD is to create an effective system of realization of research, expert-analytical, consulting activities in the field of development of public policy and governance in the Kyrgyz Republic, scientific and analytical support of the activities of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, public authorities and local self-government bodies.
The main tasks of IRPAD:
- Development of the system of state orders for scientific and analytical research on the issues of state management policy;
- Development of scientifically based basic requirements to the professional level of state and municipal employees, scientific and methodological support of these requirements;
- Development of international cooperation in the field of scientific and analytical research on public policy issues and adaptation of the best foreign experience (approaches and practices);
- Provision of methodological, research and other consulting services to state and municipal bodies;
- Developing and conducting expert examination of draft laws and regulations on public policy and management issues;
- Development and improvement of methodological tools for realization of research, expert-analytical consulting activities of APAPKR;
The relevance of the IRPAD activity is determined by the great need of the state in quality public administration, which meets the needs of the population in the services provided by state and municipal employees at all levels, which ultimately ensures the confidence of the people of Kyrgyzstan in the government.
Strategic documents and benchmarks used by IPADS in its activities:
- National Development Program of the KR until 2026;
- State Strategy of Development and Formation of Human Resources for 2023-2035;
- Development of human capital for the implementation of the "Electronic Government" system;
- Transition to a digital state;
- Integration into the international scientific community of public managers.
Scientific research activities of IRPAD
Scientific work is one of the most important activities of the faculty and students of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic named after Jusup Abdrakhmanov. Research activities are carried out in the priority direction of development of science, technology, education in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Scientific research in the field of development of state and municipal management.
The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic named after J. Abdrakhmanov finalized the scientific research in the field of state and municipal governance.
The research was conducted in the period from January 23 to December 31, 2023 within the framework of the state order of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Within the framework of the Terms of Reference 2 tasks on the following topical topics were realized:
1. "Development of a new model of selection and training of state and municipal employees"
2."Study of methods to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the system of provision of state and municipal services in the Kyrgyz Republic"
The research work involved 22 executors from among the faculty and research staff of the Academy.
Online and offline methods of questionnaires, desk research, organizational and functional analysis, focus groups with the participation of state bodies were applied for the research purposes.
In the course of the research tasks, relevant recommendations, methodologies and proposals aimed at further professionalization of the state apparatus were developed.
Based on the results of the research project and the experience gained, the project teams expressed interest in continuing the research.
IRPAD results for the year 2023:
№ |
Name of activities
1 |
Memorandum with the University of Public (Budapest, Hungary) |
February 13, 2023 |
The purpose of the memorandum is a mutually beneficial long-term and mutually beneficial relationship based on equality and mutual respect |
2 |
Memorandum with Xiamen University Malaysia |
April 18, 2023 |
The purpose of cooperation is to establish exchange and interaction programs in areas of mutual interest and benefit to both parties |
3 |
Research work with the EAEU (All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade) |
Till 15.02.2024 |
Research work on the theme: "Study of effects of possible scenarios of deepening trade and economic cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and its member states People's Republic of China in the conditions of technological transformation and new challenges in the world economy in the period up to 2035". |
4 |
31st NISPAcee Annual Conference Capacity Building Workshop in Serbia |
May 25-27, 2023 |
Report on "Project Management in the Public Sector". |
5 |
Seminar from the Bavarian School of Public Administration (Bavaria, Germany) |
from May 30 to June 01, 2023 |
Seminar on "Management tools and competences in the system of state and municipal administration" |
6 |
Swiss project. Training for the Ministry of Health |
from June 2023 to October 2023 |
Cooperation with representatives of the Swiss Agency (SDC) within the framework of the project "Strengthening Health Management System" |
7 |
The program of the International Scientific and Practical Conference |
June 21, 2023 |
“Sustainable Development of the Kyrgyz Republic: a modern view and the future”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the statesman and politician of the Kyrgyz Republic Nasirdin Isanov |
8 |
Participation in the summer school on the theme "Modern methods of management" |
August 13-19, 2023 |
Cooperation with the faculty of APAP KR was established Prepared Trip Report with recommendations for continued cooperation.
9 |
Partnership Study on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) |
September 10, 2023 |
Letter of application sent |
10 |
Preparation of training program for civil servants from Mongolia |
October-November 2023 |
Correspondence on timing and composition of the delegation is in progress. Preparation of guest lectures. |
11 |
Preparation of APAP KR Internationalization Strategy |
October-November 2023 |
Under review |
12 |
LOGODI Global Forum 2023, Korea, Seoul |
October 22-26, 2023 |
Forum on the theme: "The Role of Training Institutes for Future Government in the AI Era".
13 |
Theory and Practice of the Kyrgyz Zharana Concept: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects |
October 12, 2023 |
"Theory and Practice of the Kyrgyz Zharana Concept Implementation: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects". |
14 |
Trip to the PRC to participate in the International Forum "Inter-Civilizational Ties and Global Development" International Forum on "The Path to Modernization in Developing Countries" |
November 5-14, 2023 |
Agreement on the establishment of the China+C5 APAPKR Network signed. Extensive Report and Action Plan prepared. |
15 |
The 32nd Annual NISPAcee 2024 Conference, which includes events and research on a variety of public administration topics. |
November 10, 2023 |
Have applied to the 32nd annual NISPAcee conference |
16 |
Participated in Kaizen training, JICA |
November 18-22, 2023 |
Prepared a Kaizen training manual for state and municipal employees. |
17 |
Preparation of an article commissioned by the Regional Hub (Astana and UNDP) on Public Governance in the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Period. |
September-November 2023 |
Prepared an article on "Public Administration in the New Reality. Chapter "Selected Examples from Central Asia and the Caucasus" "Cardinal changes in the system of public administration of the Kyrgyz Republic in the post-pandemic period 2022-2023". |
18 |
Memorandum with the Institute of Socio-Economic Policy Research of the Lao People's Democratic Republic |
by the end of the year |
It is planned to sign a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Socio-Economic Policy Research of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. |
19 |
Preparation of project proposals on topical issues of public administration development to various foundations and donor organizations. |
by the end of the year |
1.Prepared a concept on the introduction of ESG-awareness in educational institutions. 2.Prepared a concept on creation of "Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship". |
20 |
Current organizational issues on reorganization and creation of new research departments of Scientific Research Department |
September-December 2023 |
Meeting on current issues of reorganization and creation of new SRDs. 30.10.2023г Prepared a report for the order of the Rector of ASUPCR on the appointment of the heads of SRDs. 26.12.2023г |